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Official OPNsense Course: Hands-On Labs for Beginners
Introduction to OPNsense
1- What is OPNsense (8:40)
2- Who is the owner and OPNsense and where to read documentation about OPNsense (7:41)
3- Unboxing an OPNsense device (3:05)
Navigating the OPNsense Web Interface
4- Logging in for the first time to OPNsense (7:16)
5- OPNsense Dashboard overview (3:59)
6- Basic system settings (Hostname, Timezone, Password Change) (6:14)
7- Creating new users and groups on OPNsense (6:39)
Basic Network Setup
8- Connecting OPNsense to the internet using the Wizard & applying the license (11:54)
9- Updating OPNsense (3:37)
10- Understanding interfaces (WAN & LAN & DMZ) (7:16)
11- Configuring DHCP server on the DMZ interface (4:25)
Understanding Firewall Rules (The Basics)
12- How firewall rules work (10:14)
13- Default OPNsense Firewall rules explained (8:21)
14- Creating a simple firewall rule (Allowing or Blocking Traffic) (11:21)
NAT (Port Forwarding for Beginners)
15- What is NAT (6:55)
16- Configure Outbound NAT on OPNsense (6:28)
17- Simple port forwarding example on OPNsense (9:58)
Bonus Lecture (10:38)
4- Logging in for the first time to OPNsense
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