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MikroTik Network Associate with LABS
Introduction to MikroTik
Course content difference between RouterOS v6 and RouterOS v7 (1:38)
1- MikroTik MTCNA outlines and how to register to the exam (13:43)
2- What is MikroTik and what are its products (11:49)
First Time Access to the MikroTik Router
3- Introduction First Time Access to the MikroTik Router (1:02)
4- First Time Access Quick Set and WebFig (Part 1) (8:16)
5- First Time Access Quick Set and WebFig (Part 2) (14:40)
6- Connecting to the MikroTik Router via Winbox on MAC and IP (13:52)
7- Connecting to the MikroTik Router via Telnet and SSH (13:58)
Command Line Interface on MikroTik
8- Introduction to the CLI on MikroTik (1:49)
9- Basic Command Line Syntax on Mikrotik (19:37)
Internet on the MikroTik Router
10- Introduction - Connecting R1 and the PC to the internet (1:21)
11- Connecting the MikroTik Router and the PC to the internet (18:42)
12- Troubleshooting internet problems on the MikroTik Router and the LAN PC (13:58)
Upgrading RouterOS
13- Introduction - RouterOS upgrading (1:57)
14- RouterOS package types and ways of upgrading (20:33)
15- RouterOS Auto Upgrade and RouterBOOT firmware upgrade (10:27)
Router identity, login & services, backup, netinstall & license levels
16- Introduction (1:42)
17- Router identity on MikroTik Router (5:55)
18- Managing RouterOS Login - Users and Groups (12:27)
19- SSH connection to the MikroTik Router via Private and Public Keys (20:07)
20-Manage RouterOS Services - www, www-ssl, FTP, Telnet, SSH, API, API-SSL, Winbox (19:27)
21- MikroTik Configuration Backup and Restore (20:20)
22- Resetting RouterOS Devices (15:09)
23- Reinstalling a RouterOS device (Netinstall) (15:22)
24- RouterOS license levels (12:50)
DHCP & ARP on MikroTik
25- Introduction to DHCP and ARP (1:22)
26- Configuring DHCP Server and DHCP Client on MikroTik (20:16)
27- Manipulating ARP on MikroTik (20:17)
Bridging on RouterOS
28- Introduction to Bridging (1:21)
29- Bridging on MikroTik (19:05)
30- Station Bridge on MikroTik (14:14)
Routing on RouterOS
31- Introduction to Routing (1:34)
32- Routing Overview and LAB (24:45)
Tunnel on RouterOS
Introduction to VPN (0:57)
What is VPN and why is it important to use it in our network (15:52)
PPTP Tunneling Protocol - Explanation (8:30)
Configuring PPTP site to site VPN (20:49)
SSTP Tunneling Protocol - Explanation (8:08)
Configuring SSTP site to site VPN (without certificates) (14:10)
Configuring SSTP site to site VPN (with Certificates) (20:31)
Configuring SSTP client to site VPN (16:11)
41- Understand and Configure PPPoE Server and Client on MikroTik (18:43)
Firewall on RouterOS
Overview-of-the-Firewall-on-the-MikroTik-RouterOS (17:14)
Disabling-Connection-Tracking-on-the-MikroTik-Router (12:44)
What-are-the-connection-states-availble-on-the-MikroTik-RouterOS (8:54)
Protect-your-MikroTik-router-using-connection-state-in-the-Firewall (20:25)
Redirect-DNS-traffic-to-the-router-s-DNS (11:57)
Changing-the-destination-address-using-Dst-nat (7:31)
48- Configure FastTrack on MikroTik RouterOS (14:40)
Quality of Service (QOS) on MikroTik
49- Introduction to Simple queues on MikroTik (1:17)
50- Understand and Configure Simple Queues on MikroTik RouterOS (15:16)
51- Understand and Configure Burst on MikroTik (15:16)
52- One Simple queue for the whole network (PCQ) (17:50)
Tools on MikroTik RouterOS
53- Introduction - Tools on MikroTik (1:12)
54- Ping Traceroute and profile tools on MikroTik (8:57)
55- Sending emails from the MikroTik Router (8:43)
56- Netwatch tool on MikroTik (10:06)
Monitoring Tools on MikroTik
57- Introduction - Monitoring Tools on MikroTik (0:46)
58- Interface Monitor, Torch tool and Graphing (13:30)
59- The Dude (17:32)
Wireless on MikroTik RouterOS
60- Introduction to Wireless on RouterOS (1:49)
61- Understand the Wireless terminology (12:32)
62- Wireless setup on MikroTik (23:43)
63- Wireless station, Default Authenticate and Access list (18:09)
64- Access list Bandwidth password and time (12:19)
MikroTik official trainings with Maher Haddad (3:27)
18- Managing RouterOS Login - Users and Groups
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